Test Borealis Viking 2017

25 Tests Borealis Viking.

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Note moyenne : 8,5/10

Simple all mountain board

Borealis Viking
Profil du testeur : 30 ans | 1,91m | 85kg | Avancé
Taille testée : 167
Conditions du test : Durée : 1 hour | Météo : sunny -5C | Neige : hard slopes, packed powder
Started in the morning hungry for a good run.
I used to ride a flat base to I was looking forward to this board.

After the first slope I realized why I love chamber boards.
The added the zigzag on the egde for additional grib but its doest compare to a chamber board.
The flatbase doesnt hold a good carve. It requires hard work.

In the powder its ok has good float but doesnt give you the surfing feel.

Has a nice pop kicked me off my feet on my first jump :)

its an average board I would advice a chamber.


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