Test Furlan ABS Trakt 2013

50 Tests Furlan ABS Trakt.

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Note moyenne : 9,1/10
James Stephenson

If you can, get one! Now!

Furlan ABS Trakt
Profil du testeur : 31 ans | 1,80m | 80kg | Avancé
Taille testée : 157
Conditions du test : Durée : 2 weeks | Météo : variable | Neige : variable
I tried for 1 day due to my board splitting on the morning of the tests but when returning decided to buy there and then. I tried this board without any knowledge really but was amazed by how fun it was. My previous board was a Libtec TRS C2 159 but the Trakt is better in every way. The pop is unreal, instantly responsive, balanced beatifully and stable in all conditions. I've tried many boards but have never been left with such a smile after a days riding as after riding this. Just try it, you will see! :-) Cheers guys!
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