Dernier épisode du PirateLog de la "BottomLine", ambiance fin de saison à Riksgränsen. Chaque année le crew Pirate se dirige vers le Nord pour shooter les dernières images de backcountry de leur vidéo. Regardez Arthur Longo, Kalle Ohlson, Chris Sörman et Markku Koski profiter de la neige et des cailloux !
Pirate Log #10 Riksgränsen
par Fluofun
215 vues |
Chris Sorman vous explique le V Rocker.
Continuous rocker between your feet and in front of your feet towards the tip and tail creates catch-free playfulness and improved float from peak to park. Frostbite Edges enhance power and grip, balancing the board’s overall loose and forgiving feel.
V Rocker
par Burton
2 757 vues |
Check the whole episode on Face Off: Kalle Ohlson VS Chris Sörman This week on Method.TV we have a funny face off between our two swedish friends Kalle Ohlson and Chris Sörman. Watch them fight for the title in such stupide games like speedo diving, extreme circus race or playing pétanque while drinking pastis!
Method TV Episode 30.4 Teaser
par methodtv
137 vues |