Episode IV of the travels to the forbidden land Murca on Ethan Morgan's Intergalactic quest.
This masterpiece filmed and edited by the one and only master Marco Morandi, it was. On this journey, the young rebel fleet of Flo Corzelius, Max Zebe and Ethan Morgan fly with the Millenium Neffcon through the western cali district to reach the bases of Neffland at Boreal, the Great Mammoth Mountain, Mt. High and the Big Bear. There they convince the civilians that the new imperator is evil, so...
Episode IV: Penetrating Planet 'Murca
par Fluofun
10 890 vues |
Episode 1 of Commander Ethan Morgan's intergalactic snowventures.
Here's what Yoda thinks about it:
"Edited and mostly filmed by Dört Mon aka Dördy Sanchez, it was.
The D-Stone spacefighters (and sometimes also filmers, they are), Commander AJ Morgan Freemanson, Fresh Flocka, Sultan, Pete Diddy, Team Germany, Slashboiii, Anna Gasser (On Skis?!), Lisa Zimmermann (On a Snowboard?!), Heimo, Miak S aka The Don of E-Woks, Snowgirl, Rastamon, Stevie G, Dört Mon aka Dördy Sanchez, Riff Raf...
Ethan Morgan's Intergalactic Park Edits Episode1: Di Dark Side Of Di D-Stone
par Fluofun
12 737 vues |
Le teaser du nouveau film des Helgasons "NoToBo" est finalement là.
Cela s'annonce fou, violent, drôle... parfait.
NoToBo Teaser nr 1 of 2
par Fluofun
1 323 vues |