Search for a Cool Place: Trailer

Le teaser du prochaine film de Liam Gallagher : Search for a cool place.
A voir en avant première à The Reels à Annecy.

Picking up where we left off...

After Jack Kerouac and The Beats came Ken Kesey and his Merry Band of Pranksters. Kesey was a best-selling author turned acid-freak, who was largely responsible for the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s. But, before Kesey and crew started frying the masses, they took a trip across the country in a 1938 International school bus. They dubbed the rig Further and their mission was simple: they were searching for a cool place. Just like us...

Search for a Cool Place is an exploration of snowboarding, mind-expansion, adrenaline freaks, the trips they take and where they've ended up. Look for the full-length snowboard flick next Fall.

Featuring: Mark Landvik, Patrick McCarthy, Wyatt Stasinos, Cory Stasinos, Nick Russell, Forrest Burki, Ryland Bell, Shaun McKay, Lucas Debari, Kael Martin, Alex Yoder, Blake Paul, Nick Dirks, Jake Olson Elm, Harry Kearny, Luke Thorington, Brendan Keenan, Jason Robinson, Ralph Backstrom and many more...

Supported by: Jones Snowboards, Drink Water, Anon, The Mount Baker Snowboard Shop.