Test Burton Vapor 2010

7 Tests Burton Vapor.

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Note moyenne : 8,6/10
Par Beej

Houston, We have lift off!

Vapor 2010 Burton Vapor
Profil du testeur : 31 ans | 1,84m | 78kg | Avancé | Toulouse
Taille testée : 157
Conditions du test : Durée : 2Hrs | Météo : Cloudy | Neige : Soft, sticky in some areas
This board was quite simply the best board I've ever ridden. Not only was it incredibly light but it also held an edge like it was on rails. It had a powerful flex which caught me by surprise the first time I popped an ollie as I flew a lot further than I was expecting. It was great fun on the boxes as well and especially on the banks leading toward the snow park at Piau Engaly. In short the Burton Vapor is like a Lamborghini on steroids! Very light, extremely powerful, grips like nothing else in the corners, very expensive, and a LOT of fun!!!


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