Test Easy Snowboards Black Torsion PS 2017

Note moyenne : 8/10
Par riku

Real boards have curves!

Easy Snowboards Black Torsion PS
Profil du testeur : 29 ans | 1,84m | 75kg | Débutant/Intermédiaire
Taille testée : 153
Conditions du test : Durée : 56m | Météo : clair | Neige : frais
First thing you notice on this board is the mental curvy edge. The board garnered tons of curiosity and no wonder! Just look at that!

The almost serrated edge cuts into icy slopes like a hot knife to butter, and gave great stability even on a very short board.

The board was a somewhat on the flexible side, but not quite as playful as I would have hoped. It also felt maybe a bit front heavy with a tendency to cut into to the snow on landing and on soft snow.. Then again, the board they had was quite short for me, so take that with a grain of salt.

Definitely worth a try, but there are better boards if you're willing to spend more.
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