Test Lib Tech T-Rice HP 2017

4 Tests Lib Tech T-Rice HP.

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Note moyenne : 9,3/10

Really nice board

Lib Tech T-Rice HP
Profil du testeur : 30 ans | 1,91m | 85kg | Avancé
Taille testée : 164
Conditions du test : Durée : 1 hour | Météo : sunny -5C | Neige : hard slopes, packed powder
After the flagship I tested this board.
Something different.
First time I tried this shape.
Looked like a complex shape but had fun on the slopes and on the powder. Feels a lot better than a flatbase with the funny zigzag of libtech it holds it edge if you put your weight into it.

Has a nice freestyle feel to it with the rocker between the feet.

Good in powder has a good surfy feel as it reacts quick.


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